Audible Absence


The doctoral project theorizes “ambience,” and inquires about its role in creating an embodied experience of presence (or absence), site-specificity, and spatial awareness while producing the interior world of film and media works. The PhD degree was awarded on 9th March 2017 at Leiden University. Outcomes of the project include a book in progress:

Other publications:

2018. The World Within the Home: Tracing the Sound in Satyajit Ray’s FilmsMusic, Sound, and the Moving Image 11/2: 131 – 156, Liverpool University Press.

2017. Audible Absence: Searching for the Site in Sound Production. Leiden University Press.

2017. Talking Field: Listening to the Troubled SiteJournal for Artistic Research 13.

2016. Being There: Evocation of the Site in Contemporary Indian Cinema, Journal of Sonic Studies 12, Leiden University Press.

2016. Émergence de nouvelles conceptions sonores”, in Térésa Faucon and Amandine D’Azevedo (eds.), In/dépendances des cinémas indiens. Cartographie des formes, des genres et des régions (pp. 40 – 44), Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.

2015. The Auditory Spectacle: designing sound for the ‘dubbing era’ of Indian cinemaThe New Soundtrack 5/1: 55–68, Edinburgh University Press.

2014. Sonic drifting: sound, city and psychogeographySoundEffects 3/3: 138 – 152 (special issue ‘Urban Sound’).

2014. “The Invisible Sound: A study in the trajectories of sound practice in Indian films by online archival research“, IASA journal 42.

2013. The cinematic soundscape: conceptualising the use of sound in Indian filmsSoundEffects 2/2: 65 – 78.

2012. Sonification of Cinema: studying the use of location sound in Indian films, Music & The Moving Image conference proceedings, NYU, New York.

2012. Sonic menageries: composing the sound of place, Organised Sound 17/3: 223-229, Cambridge University Press.