
Exhibition: Hear Here Festival, STUK Leuven (forthcoming in April 2025)

Fellowship: ArTec, L’École Universitaire de Recherche (EUR), Paris, 2025.

Invited Talk: In Terms of Media…, The Weibel Institute for Digital Cultures, Vienna, Nov 2024.

Award: Two 2nd prizes at the Computer Space Festival in Interactive Arts and Computer and Electronic Music categories, Sofia, October 2024.

Essay: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft 31, 2024.

Invited Talk: International Conference Artificial Atmospheres and Unexpected Media: Exploring Media Art and Machine Learning, NOVA University of Lisbon, October 2024.

Keynote Lecture: Outcasts Conference, Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbon, October 2024.

Curatorial: Sonic Proximity, Department of Contemporary Art (KMD), University of Bergen, and Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK), 4 – 5 October 2024.

Curatorial: Dystopia Sound Arts Biennale, Berlin, 2024

Talk: Skin-tone, Whiteness and Sound Studies, April 2024

Exhibition: Swār (from Dhvāni), House of Digital Art, Port Louis, Mauritius, April – December 2024.

Release: Towards an Amicable End, Petit Bardo, 21 February 2024.

Exhibition: Co-sounding: Towards a Sonorous Land, Errant Sound Gallery, Berlin, 16-22 February 2024.

Talk: Sonic Psychogeography, Universität der Künste Berlin, 6 February 2024.

Review: Der Tagesspiegel, 2024.

Podcast: Overtoon, 2024.

Interview: Neural Magazine, 2024.

Exhibition: Landing, Terra Libera, Rijksmuseum Twente,  September 2023 – January 2024.

Podcast: Rijksmuseum Twenthe, 2023.

Exhibition: Co-sounding: Towards a Sonorous Land,  Polyphonic Landscapes, Zone2Source, Amsterdam, Oct-Dec 2023.

Book: Sound in Indian Film and Audiovisual Media: History, Practices, and Production. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (2023).

Keynote: International Symposium on Sonic Ecologies, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, November 2023.

Book/Monograph: The Auditory Setting: Environmental Sounds in Film and Media Arts (2021). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (paperback edition out in February 2023).

Lecture-performance: Social Listening, Sounding Borders #3, University of Lincoln.

Artist Talks and Exhibition: ISEA2023, Paris, May – June 2023.

Talk and Mentoring: Jour Fixe, Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, May 2023.

Lecture: Fiber Festival, Amsterdam, May 2023.

Essay+Panel: Rewire Festival, Den Haag, April 2023.

Book Chapter: “Howl Redux: On Noisific(a)tion,” in Mandic, D et al. Law and the Senses: HEAR, University of Westminster Press (2023).

Book: Sound Practices in the Global South: Co-listening to Resounding Plurilogues. London: Palgrave Macmillan (2022).

Book chapter: Co-listening: Theory and Practice, in LaBelle, Brandon (ed.), The Listening Biennial Reader. Berlin: Errant Bodies Press. January 2023.

Essay: Re-sounding Souths, CTM Festival Journal, January 2023.

Essay: Sound from the Ground: Pre-modern Sonic Practices, Write Art Connect, Serendipity Arts, October 2022.

Paper: On Pre-colonial Indigenous (Sound) Technologies, in Proceedings of Politics of the Machines – Rogue Research (POM 2021). Berlin: BCS Learning & Development Ltd.