Eye Contact with the City

elegy for Bangalore_image for website

The project explores the emerging urban environments through a staged multimodal convergence of sound and moving image. Infusing spatial perception and immersion, the project creates a premise for in-depth listening to hybrid urban spaces for observing their cancerous growth in the contemporary context of migration, placeless-ness, and exile. The outcome of the project is varied, from site-specific installation to live performances.


Honorary Mention in the Digital Music/Sound Art category of PRIX Ars Electronica 2011.

Finalist, PRIX Phonurgia Nova 2010.


Eye Contact with the City, .m4v video for iPhone/iPod/iPad, Touch Music, April 2012.

elegy for Bangalore, CD, Gruenrekorder, Germany, March 2013.

Exhibition (selected):

Premier show, Rococo Art Gallery, Bangalore, 25-27th September 2010

Performance (selected):

Cinemateket, Copenhagen, Denmark.

SOUND//SPACE, SoundFjord, London, UK.

Klangkunst, Deutschlandradio, Berlin, Germany.

Byens Lys, Niels Bohr Institutet, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Blipfonica, School of Music, Bangor University, UK.

Institut für Neue Medien, Frankfurt AM, Germany.

Audio/visual excerpts: